講師募集 Apply as a Tutor

在宅・副業OK! MOAの講師をやってみませんか?


We are seeking tutors from around the world!

MOAとは? About MOA


MOA is an online tutor matching service. It has four categories: MOA Private Tutoring, MOA Language Lessons, MOA Study for Qualifications, MOA Coach for Business skills. Users are from children to adults and they have a variety of needs for learning. We are looking for tutors who are confident and have knowledge and experience of teaching any of those four categories.

仕事内容 Job Description


MOA does not have any specified textbook or curriculum. You can teach in your own style using your knowledge and experience. There is no training either, so we are looking for only experienced tutors.

報酬について Payment


You will receive points(1point=1JPY) each time you teach the lesson and the saved points can be claimed each month. It will be paid through PayPal, so a PayPal account is required. Basically, a reward for 1 lesson (25minutes) is over 700 JPY. It depends on the lesson categories and contents, so it will be set after the interview. Depending on your performance, such as getting a positive evaluation or becoming a popular tutor, you will get a higher reward.

レッスン開始までの流れ Application and Teaching Process

1 応募フォームより送信
Submit the application form
2 面接日の決定
Set the interview date and time
3 Zoomによる面接
Interview (Zoom)
4 採用選考
Employment selection
5 本採用・本登録
Employment / Registration
6 レッスンスタート
Start a lesson
  • 管理画面よりスケジュールを登録すると、サイト側にスケジュールが表示されます。それを見て会員はスケジュール予約を行います。該当の時間になりましたら、ZOOMを起動し、レッスンが開始となります。レッスン後にはレッスンがちゃんと行われたかどうかを報告する「完了報告」を行って頂きます。

応募条件 Application Requirements

  • ○ パソコン・タブレット等の機器とインターネット環境がある静かな場所なら在宅勤務が可能です。
    A quiet place with internet access and a PC or a tablet.
  • ○ すべてフリーシフトなので、24時間365日、ご自身のスケジュールに合わせたシフトを組むことができます。
    There is no time restriction, so you can choose to teach any time from 24 hours, 365 days.
  • ○ Wワーク、週1回だけ、空いた時間などのスキマ時間を利用して効率よくお仕事できます。急なスケジュール変更が発生した場合でも、レッスンが入っていなければご自身でシフトの変更ができますので、特別な許可などは必要ありません。
    You can use your spare time and work efficiently. When you have a sudden appointment, you can change your schedule on your own if there is no booking.
  • ○ 年齢不問。未経験者不可。週1回1h以上。
    Any age, only experienced tutors. Available more than once a week, 1 hour.

応募資格 Application Qualifications


MOA個別指導 MOA Private Tutoring

  • ○ 学習塾や家庭教師等での指導経験がある方。
  • ○ 中学受験の指導経験がある方。
  • ○ 大学受験の経験がある方。

MOA外国語 MOA Language lessons

  • ○ 英語以外の外国語もOKです。
  • ○ 外国語の指導経験がある方。
  • ○ 海外滞在歴10年以上、もしくは海外での勤務経験3年以上
  • ○ 英検/TOEIC対策・発音指導・文法指導など

MOA資格取得 MOA Study for Qualifications

  • ○ 該当の資格カテゴリーについて指導経験がある方。
  • ○ 該当の資格を既に取得している方。
  • ○ 該当資格以外の分野でもご相談します。別途ご連絡ください。

MOAビジネス MOA Coach for Business skills

  • ○ 該当のビジネスカテゴリーについて指導経験がある方。
  • ○ 該当のビジネスカテゴリーについて豊富な知識または最先端の知識をお持ちの方。
  • ○ 該当のビジネスカテゴリー以外の分野でもご相談します。別途ご連絡ください。

講師応募フォーム Registration


The application process for MOA is very easy and convenient, as it can all be done online. Fill out the registration form below and submit it. MOA Administration Office will contact you within a few days.

  • 連絡がない場合、まずは受信拒否設定、迷惑フォルダへ振り分け等されていないかご確認ください。
    Check your inbox to make sure it is not being blocked or moved to your spam folder.
  • 必須:Required
  • 1
    Fill out the form
  • 2
  • 3
    Application Successful

名前Full name

  • 名前を入力してください。ここで登録したお名前はサイトに表示されません。

  • ニックネームを入力してください。登録したニックネームはサイトに表示されます。
    How you want to be addressed during lessons

  • メールアドレスを入力してください(100文字以内)。
    Enter your email address (Within 100 characters)




  • 8文字以上20文字以内で入力してください。
    Type in at least 8 characters and no more than 20 characters
  • 確認のためパスワードを2回入力お願いします。
    Type your password again




  • 海外在住の方は、桁数があわないのですべて0とご記入ください(000-0000)
    If you are living outside of Japan, the digits will not match so enter 000-0000.

  • 海外在住の方は、国名をご記入ください
    If you are living outside of Japan, please enter your country name.
  • 5文字以内
    5 characters or less.

  • 20文字以内
    Within 20 characters

  • 50文字以内
    Within 50 characters

  • 50文字以内
    Within 50 characters

電話番号Phone number




  • 海外在住の方は、桁数があわないのですべて0とご記入ください(00-0000-0000)
    If you are living outside of Japan, the digits will not match so enter 00-0000-0000.


カテゴリLesson Categories

  • 1項目以上にチェックを入れてください。最大4項目までチェックを入れることが可能です。
    Select at least 1 field. A maximum of 4 fields can be selected.

  • 現在の入力文字数:0 / 8000文字
  • Within 8000 characters
  • HTMLタグは有効になりません。
    HTML tags will not be valid.

  • 現在の入力文字数:0 / 300文字以内
  • Within 300 characters
  • HTMLタグは有効になりません。
    HTML tags will not be valid.

  • 現在の入力文字数:0 / 300文字
  • Within 300 characters
  • HTMLタグは有効になりません。
    HTML tags will not be valid.

  • 現在の入力文字数:0 / 3000文字
  • Within 3000 characters
  • HTMLタグは有効になりません。
    HTML tags will not be valid.

  • 現在の入力文字数:0 / 1000文字
    Within 1000 characters
  • 既に面接がお済の方は、面接済みとご記入ください。
    If you have already taken an interview, please enter "finished".
  • HTMLタグは有効になりません。
    HTML tags will not be valid.

講師登録に関する規約 Terms of Service for tutors

MOA(Master Online Academy)への講師登録にあたっては以下の規約にご同意いただいたうえで申込ください。


この講師登録規約は、株式会社マスターシップス(以下「甲」とします。)が提供する「MOA(Master Online Academy)」及び、これに付随するサービス(以下「本サービス」とします。)において講師(以下「乙」とします。)として登録および参加するためのルールを定めるものです。




  • 1. 甲は、乙の了承を得ることなく、本規約を変更することがあります。この場合、本サービスの利用条件は、変更後の利用規約によります。
  • 2. 本規約の変更の効力は、甲が別途定める場合を除いて、オンライン上に表示された時点より、その効力を生じるものとします。
  • 3. 第1項および前項の規定にかかわらず、本規約の変更が乙に大きな影響を与えるものである場合、甲は、当該変更内容を乙にEメールにより通知するものとし、当該通知後に乙が本サービスを利用した場合、乙は、本規約の変更に同意したものとみなします。


  • 1. 乙は本サービスの参加を希望する場合、無料電話ソフト(Zoomもしくはスカイプ)をインストールし、甲が定める所定の方法により、講師登録を行うものとします。
  • 2. 講師登録に際して、乙は自己の通信環境がサービスの利用に適していることを事前に確認するものとします。
  • 3. 乙は、講師登録を行った時点、または登録を前提に仮登録をした時点でこの規約の内容、および、下記の個人情報、肖像権に関する取扱同意について承諾したものとみなします。

(1) 個人情報、肖像権に関する取扱同意



  • 1. 講師登録の際の申告事項に虚偽、誤記または記入もれがあった場合
  • 2. 本サービスの円滑な運営を妨げる恐れがある場合
  • 3. 過去において甲より除名処分を受けたことがある場合
  • 4. 上記以外の理由で、登録に際し不適当であると甲が判断した場合














  • 1. 乙は管理画面よりレッスン可能なスケジュールを登録するものとします。
  • 2. 会員からレッスンの予約が入った場合、乙は予約されたレッスンのスケジュール通りにレッスンを行うものとします。
  • 3. 会員が予約したレッスンをキャンセルフォームよりレッスンのキャンセルを申し出た場合、レッスン開始時刻の2時間前までであれば、乙への対価は発生しないものとします。それ以降のキャンセルの場合は、第9条で定めた通りとします。
  • 4. 乙の理由によりレッスンに出席できない場合は、レッスン開始時刻前までにキャンセルを申し立てることができます。なお、キャンセルを申し立てることなくレッスンに出席しない又は遅刻した場合は第9条に定める対価の減額等ペナルティ、または第8条に定める本契約の解約の可能性があります。
  • 5. 会員の都合でレッスンの開始時刻が遅れた場合も終了時間は定刻といたします。その際の対価は1レッスンと同等に支払われるものとします。
  • 6. レッスン開始時刻に会員が出席せず、レッスン開始時刻から5分以内に会員から乙に連絡がない場合は、会員によりレッスンはキャンセルされたと見做します。その場合の対価は第9条で定める通りとします。
  • 7. 会員と連絡をとる場合は、MOAシステム内のメッセージ機能上で行うものとします。個人的な連絡先(電話番号、住所、メールアドレス、SNS 等)を会員と交換することは禁止します。
  • 8. 乙は、自らが会員へ送信またはアップロードしたファイル、動画、画像等について、第三者の著作権その他の権利を侵害しないものとし、甲、または会員に一切の迷惑を掛けないものとします。












  • 甲は、乙に下記禁止事項の各号の理由が一つでも生じた場合には、何ら通知催告を要することなく、本契約または個別契約の全部または一部を解除することができるものとします。なお、本条による解除は損害賠償の請求を妨げないものとします。
  • (1) 本契約ならびに個別契約に定める約定に違反し、相当期間を定めて催告をしても当該違反を是正しない場合
  • (2) 手形または小切手を不渡りにした場合
  • (3) 破産手続開始、民事再生手続開始、会社更生手続開始等の申立事実が生じた場合
  • (4) 重要な財産について差押、仮差押または仮処分を受けた場合
  • (5) 暴力団、総会屋等の反社会的勢力の構成員または準構成員である、またはあったことが判明した場合
  • (6) 甲との取引に関して、脅迫的な言動をし、または暴力を用いた場合、もしくは風説を流布し、偽計を用いまたは威力を用いて、甲の信用を毀損し、または甲の業務を妨害した場合、その他これらに類する行為を行なった場合
  • (7) 甲の従業員その他の関係者に対し、暴力的要求行為を行い、あるいは合理的範囲を超える負担を要求した場合
  • (8) 犯罪行為に関連する行為または公序良俗に反する行為
  • (9) コンピューター・ウィルスその他の有害なコンピューター・プログラムを含む情報を送信する行為
  • (10) 甲および甲に所属する講師および会員または第三者の知的財産権、肖像権、プライバシーの権利、名誉、その他の権利または利益を侵害する行為
  • (11) 本本サービスに関して、甲が一般的に開示していない機密情報を詮索する行為
  • (12) 甲および甲に所属する講師および会員への嫌がらせや、レッスンの進行を妨げる等のハラスメント行為
  • (13) レッスン時間以外に、本サービスが認める方法以外で、乙またはその代理人が甲に所属する講師および会員と個人的に接触しようとする行為
  • (14) 本サービスを本サービスと同様の営業行為、営業目的およびその準備に利用する行為
  • (15) ひとつのアカウントを複数のユーザーで利用する行為、または、複数のアカウントを甲の許可なく一人で利用する行為
  • (16) 甲に所属する講師および会員を本サービス以外に、または甲以外の企業での勤務に勧誘する行為
  • (17) 他のユーザーまたは第三者もしくは甲および甲のスタッフ・会員の脅迫的な行為、卑猥・猥雑、品性を欠く行為、罵倒する行為、嫌悪感を与える行為
  • (18) 甲の承認した以外の方法で他のユーザーまたは第三者との間で、売買および金銭的な利害の発生する行為
  • (19) 甲のカスタマーサポートスタッフへの暴言、またはカスタマーサポート業務を妨げる行為
  • (20) 本サービスの利用状況を録音または録画する行為
  • (21) その他個別取引に係る債務の履行が困難であると認めるに足る相当の理由がある場合




  • 甲は、乙が次の各号に該当する場合には、本サービスへの参加を拒否又は乙に対して催告することなく契約を解除できるものとします。
  • (1) 暴力団、暴力団員、暴力団関係企業・団体またはその関係者、その他反社会的勢力であると判明した場合
  • (2) 甲との取引に関して、脅迫的な言動をし、または暴力を用いた場合、もしくは風説を流布し、偽計を用いまたは威力を用いて、甲の信用を毀損し、または甲の業務を妨害した場合、その他これらに類する行為を行った場合
  • (3) 甲の従業員その他の関係者に対し、暴力的要求行為を行い、あるいは合理的範囲を超える負担を要求した場合



MOA(Master Online Academy)への講師登録に関する規約
2020年12月1日 制定
2021年1月29日 改訂
2021年4月14日 改訂
2021年6月2日 改訂
2021年6月29日 改訂
2021年8月27日 改訂
2022年6月13日 改訂
2022年6月20日 改訂
2023年10月24日 改定

For your tutor registration with MOA (Master Online Academy), you are required to apply for the registration after agreeing to the following terms and conditions.

Article 1. Terms of Tutor Registration

These Terms of Tutor Registration (hereinafter called the “Terms’) stipulate the rules, terms and conditions for registration with and participation in “Master Online Academy’ (hereinafter called “MOA’) provided by Masterships Co., Ltd. (hereinafter called “Company’) and services incidental to MOA (hereinafter called the “Services’) as a tutor (hereinafter called “Tutor’).

Article 2. Compliance with the Terms

Tutor shall comply with the Terms in good faith after reading them carefully in participating in the Services.

Article 3. Revision of the Terms

  • 1. Company may revise Terms at the discretion of Company. In such case, the terms of use depend on the revised Terms.
  • 2. The revised Terms shall become effective at the time when it has been listed online unless otherwise stipulated by Company.
  • 3. If a revision of the Terms have a great influence on Tutor, Company shall notify Tutor such revision by e-mail regardless of the regulation of paragraph 1 and the preceding paragraph in this article, and Tutor shall be deemed to have agreed to the revision if such Tutor starts using the Services after such notification.

Article 4. Tutor Registration and Approval

  • 1. If Tutor wishes to participate in the Services, he/she shall install charge-free telephony software (Zoom or Skype) and register him/herself as Tutor by the method designated by Company.
  • 2. For the tutor registration, Tutor shall confirm that his/her own communication environment is suited to his/her use of the Services under his/her own responsibility.
  • 3. Tutor shall be deemed to have agreed to the details of the Terms and the following item at the time of temporal registration or official registration.

(1) Consent for the use of portrait rights and personal information.
Tutor shall agree to the use of their registered profile, images and videos (hereinafter called “Images”), excluding my legal name and contact address, such as home address, telephone number, and email address, on Company's website and other advertising medium, and Tutor shall not assert his/her rights, such as portraits rights and copyrights. Tutor shall entrust the decision on the range and period of use to Company and shall not express objections to the selection or edition of the Images by Company. Tutor may refuse the use of the Images by requesting Company.

Article 5. Refusal of Tutor Registration

If Tutor falls under any of the following items, Company may refuse such Tutor's registration, as the case may be.

  • (1) If any entry in the application form for the tutor registration is false, incorrect or omitted;
  • (2) If Tutor's registration may interfere with the smooth operation of the Services;
  • (3) If Tutor was expelled by Company from the Services in the past; or
  • (4) If Company considers that Tutor's registration is inappropriate for any reasons other than any of the above reasons.

Article 6. Execution of Service Agreement

A service agreement for Tutor to use the Services (hereinafter called the “this Agreement’) shall be executed between Company and Tutor and become effective on the date when Company notifies Tutor of completion of his/her registration by e-mail or otherwise and then Tutor discloses his/her profile or self-introduction information after entering such information on his/her management screen in the Services. Tutor may participate in the Services after such date of disclosure.

Article 7. Deadline for Participation in the Services

There is no deadline for participation in the Services. However, if Tutor has no reservation for six (6) months or more, or if Tutor does not register a lesson schedule for six (6) months or more, Company may delete his/her registration information from the Services.

Article 8. Termination of this Agreement

There are no procedures for termination of this Agreement (i.e. procedures for withdrawal from membership). As specified in the Article 7, Company may delete Tutor's registration information from the Services in the case such as, such Tutor has no reservation for a long period of time, such Tutor cancels lessons for his/her own reasons multiple times, such Tutor cancels lessons without requesting its cancellation, and such Tutor requests a termination of this Agreement.

Article 9. Compensation

Tutor shall determine the required points paid to him/herself for participation in the Services (hereinafter called the “Required points’) on the basis of 25 minutes per lesson. The payment terms are as follows:

  • 1. Payment terms for normal conditions
    If a member of the Services (hereinafter called “Member”) reserves a lesson using points and such lesson was carried out as usual, the compensation (hereinafter called the “Compensation”) for such lesson shall be 70% of the Required points (1 point = 1 JPY), and if Member reserves a lesson using a voucher and such lesson was carried out as usual, the Compensation shall be 10% of the Required points. (hereinafter both called “Regular Compensation”)
    Tutor may decline the reservation of a lesson that is reserved using a voucher by requesting Company.
  • 2. Payment terms for “Urgent Cancellation”
    If Member canceled a lesson less than 2 hours before the lesson's start time and the lesson was not carried out (which is called an Urgent Cancellation), the Compensation shall be 30% of the Regular Compensation.
  • 3. Payment terms for “No-Notice Cancellation”
    If Tutor is not able to contact Member for 5 minutes or more after the lesson's start time and such lesson did not start (which is called a No-Notice Cancellation), the Compensation shall be 50% of the Regular Compensation.

If a lesson did not fulfill 25 minutes due to Tutor's convenience, Compensation shall not be paid. If a lesson reaches 25 minutes in total by reason such as time adjustment with Member, Compensation shall be paid as usual.

Article 10. Details of Lessons

  • 1. Tutor shall designate the date and time of lessons that he/she may give on the management screen.
  • 2. If Tutor receives a reservation of any lesson from Member, Tutor shall give such lesson to such Member in accordance with its schedule.
  • 3. If Member requests the cancellation of any reserved lesson in a designated cancellation form, Tutor may not receive any Compensation for such lesson if such cancellation is made until 2 hours before such lesson's start time. The case for a cancellation made after that period of time is specified in the Article 9.
  • 4. If Tutor may not attend any lesson for his/her own reasons, Tutor may request the cancellation of such lesson until such lesson's start time. If Tutor fails to attend any lesson without requesting its cancellation to Company or is late to any lesson, Company may impose any penalty on Tutor such as reduction of the Compensation set forth in the Article 9, or Company may terminate this Agreement set forth in the Article 8.
  • 5. Even if a lesson starts behind schedule for Member's reasons, such lesson shall end on schedule. In such case, the Compensation to be paid shall be the same as the Compensation for one lesson.
  • 6. If Member does not attend a lesson on time and Tutor does not receive any notice from Member within 5 minutes after such lesson's start time, such lesson is considered cancelled by Member. The Compensation in such case is specified in the Article 9.
  • 7 If Tutor communicates with Member, Tutor shall contact such Member by using the message box function in the MOA's system. Any exchange of personal contact information (phone number, address, e-mail address or social media account, etc.) between Tutor and Member shall be prohibited.
  • 8. Tutor shall not infringe copyright and other rights of the third party regarding the files, videos and images he/she sends to Member or upload, and shall not cause any trouble to Company or Member.

Article 11. Protection of Personal Information

Tutor's personal information which Company may know shall be handled in accordance with the Privacy Policy of Company. The Privacy Policy shall not apply to personal information provided by Member him/herself to Tutor as an individual. Tutor shall handle the personal information of such Member under strict control and under his/her own responsibility.

Article 12. Copyrights and Ownership

Any and all copyrights and ownership relating to trademarks, descriptions and logos in relation to the Services shall belong to Company. Company prohibits Tutor from using or redistributing any copy or duplication of such trademarks, descriptions or logos.

Article 13. Payment Method, etc.

Tutor shall create his/her PayPal account for the Compensation to be paid by transfer and notify Company of such account. The Compensation requested by Tutor in the MOA's system shall be paid by closing the accounts at the end of a month and paying it at the end of the following month (or on a business day immediately preceding such payment day if the financial institution is closed on such payment day). Any and all charges for such payment (3.6% of the payment amount plus 40 Japanese Yen) shall be borne by Tutor.

Article 14. Intellectual Property Rights

Tutor warrants to Company that Tutor shall not infringe on any copyrights of third parties in creating such deliverables. Tutor shall not exercise his/her author's moral rights relating to such deliverables.

Article 15. Damages; Constraints; Confidentiality

If Tutor gives any damage to Company (including compensation paid by Company for damage incurred by third parties) for any reasons attributable to Tutor (e.g. his/her lesson fails to meet the quality standard), Tutor shall compensate Company for such damage. The amount of such damage compensation shall be determined through mutual consultation between both parties.

Article 16. Prohibited Acts; Termination

  • If Tutor falls under any of the following items that are prohibited acts or matters, Company may terminate all or any part of this Agreement or the Individual Agreement without any notice or demand to Tutor. Such termination under this article shall not preclude Company from claiming damage compensation against Tutor.
  • (1) If Tutor breaches any provision of this Agreement or the Individual Agreement and fails to correct such breach within a reasonable period of time after Company gives notice requesting Tutor to correct such breach within such period;
  • (2) If any bill, draft or check drawn, accepted or endorsed by Tutor is dishonored;
  • (3) If any petition for bankruptcy, civil rehabilitation or corporate reorganization, etc. is filed against Tutor, or if Tutor files such petition on his/her own;
  • (4) If any important property or asset of Tutor is subject to attachment, provisional attachment or provisional disposition;
  • (5) If Tutor is found to be or to have been a member or quasi member of anti-social forces such as organized crime group or corporate extortionist;
  • (6) If Tutor expresses threatening words or behaviors or uses violence relating to any transaction with Company, discredits Company or interferes with its business of Company by spreading rumors or false information or by fraudulent means or force, or performs any act similar to any of them;
  • (7) If Tutor abusively makes any demand to Company's employees or other related persons or requires them to bear any burden exceeding the reasonable scope;
  • (8) If Tutor performs any acts related to criminal acts or acts contrary to public order or morals;
  • (9) If Tutor sends any information including computer virus or other harmful computer program;
  • (10) If Tutor infringes on any intellectual property rights, portrait rights, privacy rights, honor or other rights or interests of Company, other Tutors or Members of Company or third parties;
  • (11) If Tutor scrutinizes any confidential information not disclosed by Company to the public in relation to the Services;
  • (12) If Tutor harasses Company, other Tutors or Members of Company or commits any other harassment such as interference with the progress of any lesson;
  • (13) If Tutor or his/her agent attempts to personally contact other Tutors or Members of Company by any means other than the method approved in the Services outside hours of any lesson;
  • (14) If Tutor utilizes the Services for any similar business or business purpose or for preparation for such business;
  • (15) If several Tutors use one account or if one Tutor uses several accounts without Company's permission;
  • (16) If Tutor solicits or induces other Tutors or Members of Company to use any service other than the Services or to work for any company other than Company;
  • (17) If Tutor performs any threatening, obscene, vulgar, indecent, abusive or offensive act against other users of the Services, third parties, Company or Company's staff or Members;
  • (18) If Tutor performs any act which creates, causes or results in purchase and sale or financial interest with other users of the Services or third parties by any method other than the method approved by Company;
  • (19) If Tutor uses any abusive language against any staff of Company's customer support section or interferes with the operations of such section;
  • (20) If Tutor records any sounds or videos of usage situation of the Services; or
  • (21) If Company reasonably considers that Tutor has difficulty in performing his/her obligations relating to any individual transaction.

Article 17. Restrictions

Tutor shall not undertake any work or job directly from any individuals, corporations, entities or organizations, etc. which Tutor may know by participating in the Services.

Article 18. Exclusion of Anti-Social Forces

  • If Tutor falls under any of the following items, Company may reject Tutor's participation in the Services or terminate this Agreement without any notice or demand to Tutor.
  • (1) If Tutor is found to be any organized crime group, member of organized crime group, company, body or person related to organized crime group or other anti-social forces;
  • (2) If Tutor expresses threatening words or behaviors or uses violence relating to any transaction with Company, discredits Company or interferes with the business of Company by spreading rumors or false information or by fraudulent means or force, or performs any act similar to any of them; or
  • (3) If Tutor abusively makes any demand to Company's employees or other related persons or requires them to bear any burden exceeding the reasonable scope.

Article 19. Governing Law; Jurisdiction

If any lawsuit or other legal action between Company and Tutor is required in relation to this Agreement, such lawsuit or legal action shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo Summary Court or the Tokyo District Court of Japan for the first trial. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan.

Terms of Tutor Registration with MOA (Master Online Academy)
Establishment: December 1, 2020
Revision: January 29, 2021
Revision: April 14, 2021
Revision: June 2, 2021
Revision: June 29, 2021
Revision: August 27, 2021
Revision: June 13, 2022
Revision: June 20, 2022
Revision: October 24, 2023